Sunday, April 8

25 things to do before turning 26

1. Move into a place of my own (any small apartment would do)
2. Find a solid interesting job
3. Read a book a month
4. Dress more classy
5. Grow my hair long a dye it red again
6. Get fit and lose at least 5 kg
7. Try out at least 5 DIY tutorials myself
8. Save some (a lot of) money - that means bye bye nail olishes and cute hair accessories
9. Improve my English
10. Bake something once a month
11. Surprise my boyfriend every now and then with original gifts
12. Eat cake for breakfast
13. Have a picnic in the city park
14. Finish my origami bouquet
15. Embroid some kick-ass pattern
16. Attend a crafty workshop
17. Re-read the Greak mythology stories
18. Get my ears pierced
19. Be an active photographer again
20. Wear more dresses
21. Spoil myself with a professional massage
22. Get a tattoo maybe?
23. Go on holiday
24. Save all my photos on an external hard drive (would be a great present)
25. Spend one whole day in my jim jams

I have finally finished my list of what I want to do till my next birthday. Some of the goals are pretty big, but I hope I can manage to complete the list in time.

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