Thursday, May 9

Wednesday, May 8

My Latest Obsesion

 Aren't these mini pie forms the cutest? They are 10 cm in diameter and offer the perfect  1-person only serving.
Today I have baked my first quiche:
And here is how:
  • Crust
  • 200 ml yoghurt (chobani)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup grated cheese - I used Parmesan and Eidam
  • salt
  • seasonings (pepper, oregano, thyme)

Pour the mixture into your crust, add tomatoes and asparagus and bake for 15 minutes or more.

And some more:

Pour vanilla pudding into your prepared crust, top with rhubarb, drizzle with sugar and bake :)

Do you like quiche? What are your favorite toppings?

Monday, May 6

Homemade Bread

Yesterday I baked my first bread (recipe). It was delicious, but I think there are some tweaks that could be done. I can't wait to bake some more.

Sunday, May 5

Dreaming of Green

I have never been a big fan of plants or gardening. Not till I moved out from a big family house into a tiny rental apartment and became independent in this way.

My first plant I brought with me was a present from my boyfriend - the Setcreacea hirsuta "Swiftale".
It should look like this and is supposed to have flowers from May-September:
But mine somehow didn't have flowers yet ...

I also have two orchids (one given to me as a present from my Godmother /pink-purple/, one from my mother /white/).
Photo from last year:
And how they look now:

I am actually surprised that they didn't die on me. 

I have now settled to succulents. My succulent garden is now growing quite fast.

These are the ones I have bought yesterday:

I still dream about having my own garden, ever so tiny, where I could plant my own tomatoes, cucumber, potatoes etc., together with flowers, cultivated or wild.

Today an idea hoped into my mind - how about becoming a help, assistant or "intern" in some gardening supplier store, or a florist, or actually our agro school? I on one side doubt anyone would be interested, but I would really like to spent my free time among plants, learning about them, studying them and later maybe use this knowledge for myself.

A few things I learned about gardening:

1. Everything takes its own time
2. Ignoring my plants does them well sometimes - I tend to over-care about my possessions  One of my first succulents died because I just wouldn't leave it alone (and probably over-watered it)
3. It really is relaxing.

I hope my next apartment will have a bigger balcony, if not, there is also the possibility of window farming

Saturday, May 4


Today I finally got to go to the grocery market. So many people at 9 in the morning! I was quite surprised that there have been so many flowers (I came strictly for the vegetables) - and I bought some a well.
Don't the vegetable look pretty in my wicker basket? I love abundance - in groceries, flowers, details...

I am planning on going to the gym again (finally after 3 weeks) - hopefully I won't get nausea like previously.

Anyway, did I mention I made my own Rhubard Ginger Jam the other day? I will post about it soon enough.

Thursday, May 2

Wednesday, May 1


If you are on Goodreads, you might have noticed this years Reading Challenge. Well, mine is to read at least 25 books. I have so far read only 5, so I have to speed it up a bit. I have been to the bookshops looking for a copy of The Last Four Things, but didn't find it. So I decided to buy The Ladies of Grace Adieu and American Gods instead. I have already read The Left Hand of God, but need to re-read it, and then off to the second book of the trilogy.

Are you on Goodreads? How is your Reading Challenge going?