Tuesday, April 30


OK, spring is definitely here.

We have been to the mall a few days back and there has been quite a nice spring themed display with mushrooms and flowers and REAL BUNNIES!! The little one was so cute, jumping around and playing with his ball. The bigger one was kinda bored and tired, but they made a cute couple.

Did I mention that I love daffodils? I do - whenever I have the possibility, I takes snapshots of them. Actually, I do these with every flower, but daffodils are very good models, especially when the light's peering through the petals. 

Sunday, April 28

Sunday Flowers

I have found these flowers yesterday for only 1,79 EUR and finally got to take pictures of them.

When I went to work this Friday, I decided to pick some dandelions that grow around the companies in the industry park and arrange them with some grass and other colorful plants growing there as well. I must say my day has never been more peaceful and "green" than that Friday - I decided to get up earlier tomorrow and pick some more flowers around my house and bring them with me.

Today was quite task-rich. I cleaned the flat, took photos of all my granny squares, finally organized the pantry, baked lemon pound minicakes, made some spring rolls for tomorrow's lunch and made pickled cucumber and onion.  I can't wait to eat them all tomorrow for lunch, yay :) And seriously, elephantine has completely taken me in with her blog. 

Do you love cooking and baking? What are your favorite recipes, or what have you cooked/baked recently?

Saturday, April 27

Saturday Breakfast

  • Coffee with a dash of Baileys and some bread pie with apples

Friday, April 26

Ever since I learned how to crochet last Christmas, I knew I had to make a granny square project.  I particularly liked the sunburst pattern - it is so flowerish and easy to make!
I have bought 7-8 colored yarns, crochet hooks and started. I wanted to make the granny squares as colorful as possible, but then decided to only use 2 colors per one piece. I really like how they look like. I will be posting some more every week till I decide to put them together and probably make a baby blanket (but for ME).

This weeks granny square:

Do you crochet? If yes, would you like to hare your project?

Wednesday, April 24

Apartment Gardening, vol. II

On Monday I decided to finally make my own succulent garden. I have bought some more succulent babies from the Gardenia expo and needed to bring back to life some more from my office. The gardening evening resulted in an extra terrarium as well, but I am more proud of my succulent garden.I hope it will last long, I am really looking forward to taking care of it and maybe make some more :)

Tuesday, April 23

Black + Stripes

Brace yourself, a fashun post is coming

 So I did it. I finally got to make this post.
This is the way I have been dressing lately - blazers with everything + brooches. I feel all so professional when I wear blazers :D But at the same time, these clothes are really comfy and good for cycling back home.
I hope there will be some more outfits that I won't be embarrassed to share (I usually dress like a hobo, really - my mother would gladly confirm this :D)

Blazer - HM
T-Shirt - HM
Trousers - Next
Sunglasses - Ray Ban
Shoes - can't remember (bought them YEARS ago)

Monday, April 22

When My Man Cooks ...

My boyfriend surprised me today with a lunch, and yumm!

Sunday, April 21

Life Lately

Spring has finally arrived (altough some afternoons feel really summery).  We had been invited to a party last Saturday, so I have LOADS and LOADS of photos to take care of now. I had also taken my camera for a walk and it resulted in a high amount of pictures as well - Nitra is quite nice when on bloom.

I have also decided to make a "What I wore photoset", hoping to get to them today, together with my crocheting. I have a collection of dozen of sunburst granny squares, just sitting there, waiting to be taken pictures of and being sewn together to a blanket.

Also, I have fallen from my new bike a few days ago, so it definitely is mine now :D

And, my succulent babies have new brothers and sisters now! I am so happy, my little garden is growing faster then I expected - I will take the ones from work home as well, the stressfull environment doesn't seem to do them good.

See you guys soon.

Saturday, April 20

Saturday Breakfast (not so spammy)

Today's breakfast was really fast and light. I spent more time in bed this morning, thinking about what I would like to do and how I could spend it. Cleaning was one of the option, but luckily  (har har), there is the Gardenia expo in our city and I really want some new succulents for my "collection" (and maybe finally make the terrarium I was planning to do last year). Prepare for some serious botanical spam!

Friday, April 19

New Dress

There really is not much to say about this dress.. Only that I love it. I am still waiting for the right moment to wear it outside, but it is finally getting HOT outside, so it will be quite soon.

Thursday, April 18

Bicycle Hunt - The Result

For the last few months I wanted to have a bicycle so badly, that I spent most of the days looking for various models and deciding whether I wanted a city bike or cross/trekking bike. I also had a limited budget and didn't want to spent more money than required to have a bicycle, that will be OK.

I found this one online and immediately knew that it would be it. It is quite big (which I like), but very comfortable. I am planning a paint job on it to be done soon (deciding between black and cream).

Unfortunately it is now in service (new brakes needed, some other things need to be tweaked as well), but the guys promised to have it done by Thursday. 

I can't wait to repaint it and add some pretty accessories!!! :)